About the author

Nathan Hewitt (he/him) is a nonprofit and community-tech operations, strategy, and programs professional, currently focused on several personal and consulting projects. He most recently led the operations of Open Collective. Nathan’s writing has been featured in Nonprofit Quarterly and WIRED, and he presents and panels on topics such as the future of fiscal sponsorship, the solidarity economy, financial transparency, community engagement, nonprofit management, digital security basics, and DIY zine-making. On his blog, he has written about prison abolition, settler colonialism, and security culture, and he enjoys producing ambient and noise music.

Nathan leaning towards a television, looking off camera toward an old VHS camera which is creating visual feedback by pointing at the TV and cycling its output through the TV again and again, repeating his face over and over, almost infinitely on screen.

Artificial intelligence was not used in any stage of the creation of the texts on this site before July 2024, when Nathan began consulting Chat-GPT for research purposes. He does not use AI to edit his writing.

Other published writings


A blurry picture of Nathan performing in a black mask with a bunch of flashing lights under his fingers.

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About this website

notebook.hew.tt is powered by open source software and content: Hugo, Cactus, Caddy, and Open Doodles. The server is domiciled on unceded land.

Works on this site authored by Nathan Hewitt are licensed under the Peer Production License. Other copyrighted works are reproduced for educational purposes only. Open source content retains the existing license under which it was used. Nathan is not a lawyer, accountant, or advisor of any kind. Don’t do anything he tells you to do. (Yada yada yada.)