ORCΛ cheat sheet

| wiki home | 2 min

A cheat sheet for Hundred Rabbits’ ORCΛ.

arrow keys = move cursor (add Shift to increase selection, Alt to drag selection, and Ctrl to any of these to leap from sector to sector)
# = comment (Ctrl+/ to comment/un-comment selection)
* = bang
Ctrl+I = toggle keyboard insert mode
Ctrl+K = open command line (“enter” to run command)
Ctrl+L = load .orca file(s)
Ctrl+B or inject: + filename = inject file
play or stop= play/stop ORCA (or press spacebar)
Ctrl+G = show guide
: = note (channel 0-15, octave, note, velocity, length) … % for mono
! = cc (channel, knob, value/36) … press enter on ! to assign knob (cc64+)
? = pitch bend (channel, value)
pg:chan;msb;lsb;prog = program change (channel 0-15, msb, lsb, program 0-127)
D = delay/clock
U = euclidean
N, S, E, W = cardinal directions
F = if equal
Ctrl+P = trigger manually
Control Voltage
C = counter
I = increment
R = random
Z = slew limiter
A = sum
B = difference
M = product
L = smallest
J = north to south
Y = west to east
T = single east to south - reads like a sequencer
P = multi east to south
H = halt below
X = teleport write
O = teleport read
G = multi-teleport write
Q = multi-teleport read
V = read and write variable
K = read multiple variables
Tempo & Frames
bpm:___ = set tempo
apm:___ = shift to new tempo
< and > = decrease/increase tempo (Ctrl+<> to decrease/increase by 10)
Ctrl+F = advance frame by frame
frame:___ = set frame value (Ctrl+Shift+R = set frame to 0)
skip:___ = add to frame value
rewind:___ = subtract from frame value
$ = bang-able command
Ctrl+J or find:___ = find string
[ ] { } = increase rows and column per sector
Ctrl+minus / Ctrl+plus = zoom in / out (Ctrl+0 to reset zoom)
Ctrl+Shift+U/L = uppercase/lowercase
Esc = Reset (not sure what this does)
Three painted rectangles denoting the end of a path.