References XV

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Where I offer my best links and music recommendations on the June Solstice, 2024.

I post these lists alongside my equinoctial and solstitial personal newsletter.


My favorite music I encountered this spring, in no particular order:

  1. Bright Future, by Adrianne Lenker
  2. Earth Flower, by Earth Flower (pensive, beautiful)
  3. Keeper of the Shepherd, by Hannah Frances (relaxing and reflective)
  4. Fleeting Future, by Akusmi (jazzy but sharp, good work background music)
  5. Little Arcs, by Little Arcs (rip, got to see their last show which was also a release show)
  6. I Got Heaven, by MANNEQUIN PUSSY (defiant, smooth)


This spring I learned about extreme ironing, magnet fishing, orgcore, Kyoto University’s graduation dress code, and that The Fig Man of New Mexico is selling his (fig) business.

And there’s plenty more where that came from:

(Know something I would like? Share with me!)

Three painted rectangles denoting the end of a path.