References XVI
Where I offer my best links and music recommendations on the September Equinox, 2024.
I post these lists alongside my equinoctial and solstitial personal newsletter.
Here is the best music I’ve heard lately - mostly new stuff from artists I’ve been listening to for years, so not as novel as usual:
- Love Heart Cheat Code, by Hiatus Kaiyote
- Bir Nefescik Söyleyeyim, by Özgür Baba (also, performing live)
- Songs From Lilla, by Bastien Keb
- All Life Long, by Kali Malone
- Colors, by Ken Nordine
Honorable mentions include the latest from Fred again.., Colin Stetson, Jon Hopkins, and Barry Can’t Swim (I also loved BRAT, ngl). And I highly recommend Ichiko Aoba’s playlist, Songs for Mother Earth.
New York is known for its artists. Some of the best poetry, in my opinion, is the valiant wordsmithing you hear on its streets. For example:
He was wearing like skinny jeans and flannel, And if he was like, buff or fit, It would be lumberjack core. But he isn’t.
Wow! Majestic. Inspiring. Perspiring? Clear as a windowpane / bumped by a bumblebee’s head
Anyway, here’s some more fun for your autumn:
- Small museum’s Wikipedia page: “Grason Mentzer, Renée Machado, Yasmin Romo-Macias, Natalie Frances, Molly Smith, Reid Harrison, Lucienne Hight, Charles Scott and Isabella Prandi (2023-present) are the nine amazing Lead Docents chosen to fill the shoes of the many before them. Between the nine of them, you can expect one of the most spectacular and amazing tours that has ever been given at the PWM.”
- “Unlearn the identity and ally politics you learned at colleges and non-profits, or from people who work at colleges and nonprofits. They are tools of counterinsurgency and make you really fucking annoying.”
- “Picard management tip: Know who you really are and what really matters to you. Then let the crew know.”
- “I am falling for an amazing woman who is a flat-earther. Can I reconcile my diminishing respect?”
- “I’m from believing that we will will win / but not knowing what winning even means”
- “No more running headlong into walls. I’m not in that era anymore.”
- “Motherfuckers better realize, now is the time to self-actualize.”
- The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
- There’s no such thing as a tree (phylogenetically)
- “I Put Him on Death Row. He Shouldn’t Die.”
- “a little bit more than a thesaurus”
- Thinking communist emoji
- The Wizard of Wall Street
- Aesthetic generator
- Metropolitan Diary
(Know something I would like? Share with me!)