Words of interest

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A modest assortment of words that caught my eye1 - at least the ones I thought to copy down. For your pleasure, and arranged by category of interest.


  • kith
  • marginalia
  • palimpsest


  • Anthropocene
  • transhumanist

useful (for showing off at parties)

  • capacious
  • coryphaeus
  • eleemosynary
  • fordone
  • interstice/interstitial
  • itinerant
  • meliorism
  • peripatetic
  • remuneration
  • saprophagous

Related: see here for a bunch of cheesy travel words in other languages

pls no more


  • gadabout
  • teetotaler


  • hideous and hideouts are kinda similar

Related: see here for fun made-up words

Three painted rectangles denoting the end of a path.

  1. Here are some other folks’ lists. ↩︎